HIM Kollaborationen und Experimente
Fotomontage der zukünftigen FAIR-Beschleunigeranlage, Bild: ion42/GSI/FAIR
SIS100-Dipolmagnet Foto: J. Hosan/GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Das HIM beteiligt sich an vielen nationalen und internationalen Forschungsinitiativen, unter anderem an
Experimente an FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, GSI, Darmstadt)
- FAIR - PANDA: Anti-Proton Annihilation in Darmstadt
Atomic physics, quantum electrodynamics, ultra-high electro-magnetic fields studies with beams of highly-charged heavy ions
NUclear STructure, Astrophysics, and Reactions
Weitere Beteiligungen an
- PRISMA (Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter), Exzellenzcluster an der JGU Mainz
- BABAR, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Kalifornien, USA
BABAR is a multi-year particle physics experiment designed to study some of the most fundamental questions about the universe by exploring its smallest and most basic constituents – elementary particles
- BEIJING SPECTROMETER EXPERIMENT, BESIII, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China
- CERN-ATRAP, CERN, Genève, Schweiz
The Antihydrogen trap (ATRAP) is an experiment to compare hydrogen atoms with their antimatter equivalents – antihydrogen atoms.
- CERN-ISOLDE, CERN, Genève, Schweiz
The on-line isotope mass separator ISOLDE is a facility dedicated to the production of a large variety of radioactive ion beams for many different experiments in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics, solid-state physics, materials science and life sciences.
- OLYMPUS, DESY, Hamburg, Deutschland
- A4/SFB443, Institute for Nuclear Physics, JGU Mainz, Deutschland