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Die Highlights der Jahre 2017 & 2018 könne hier heruntergeladen werden.



Master- und Doktorarbeiten am HIM sind hier aufgelistet

Sektion  Publikationsart  Jahr  Autor/en 
Autor/enTitelJahr HIM-Nr.
S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, D. Djukanovic et al.Iso-vector axial form factors of the nucleon in two-flavour lattice QCD 2017 HIM-2017-03

Iso-vector axial form factors of the nucleon in two-flavour lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, D. Djukanovic et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-03
Jahr 2017
A. Francis, B. Jäger, H. B. Meyer, H. WittigA new representation of the Adler function for Lattice QCD HIM-2013-05

A new representation of the Adler function for Lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en A. Francis, B. Jäger, H. B. Meyer, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-05
M. Della Morte, L. GustiA novel approach for computing glueball masses and matrix elements in Yang-Mills theories on the lattice HIM-2010-02

A novel approach for computing glueball masses and matrix elements in Yang-Mills theories on the lattice

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, L. Gusti
HIM-Nr. HIM-2010-02
Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Alexander O. Sushkov, Dmitry BudkerA Precessing Ferromagnetic Needle Magnetometer 2016

A Precessing Ferromagnetic Needle Magnetometer

Publikationsart Artikel
Sektion MAM
Autor/en Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Alexander O. Sushkov, Dmitry Budker
Reference: 2016
Jahr 2016
Dmitry KhaneftAn investigation of the proton structure in the space-like domain and feasibility studies of the proton electromagnetic form factor measurement in the time-like region 2017

An investigation of the proton structure in the space-like domain and feasibility studies of the proton electromagnetic form factor measurement in the time-like region

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion EMP
Autor/en Dmitry Khaneft
Jahr 2017
D. Mohler, S. Schaefer, J. SimethCLS 2+1 flavor simulations at physical light- and strange-quark masses HIM-2017-08

CLS 2+1 flavor simulations at physical light- and strange-quark masses

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en D. Mohler, S. Schaefer, J. Simeth
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-08
H. Horch, G. Herdoiza, B. Jäger, et al.Computing the Adler function from the vacuum polarization function HIM-2013-06

Computing the Adler function from the vacuum polarization function

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en H. Horch, G. Herdoiza, B. Jäger, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-06
D. Kolbe, M. Scheid, A. Koglbauer, et al.Continous-wave spontaneous lasing in mercury pumped by resonant two-photon absorption 2010 HIM-2010-03

Continous-wave spontaneous lasing in mercury pumped by resonant two-photon absorption

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en D. Kolbe, M. Scheid, A. Koglbauer, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2010-03
Band: 2010
Reference: 2010
Jahr 2010
Andreas MooserDer g-Faktor des Protons 2013

Der g-Faktor des Protons

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion MAM
Autor/en Andreas Mooser
Jahr 2013
Holger KrackeDetection of individual spin transitions of a single proton confined in a cryogenic Penning trap 2012

Detection of individual spin transitions of a single proton confined in a cryogenic Penning trap

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion MAM
Autor/en Holger Kracke
Jahr 2012
R. Brett, J. Bulava, J. Fallica et al.Determination of s- and p-wave I = 1/2, K? scattering amplitudes in Nf = 2 + 1 lattice QCD 2018 HIM-2018-01

Determination of s- and p-wave I = 1/2, K? scattering amplitudes in Nf = 2 + 1 lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en R. Brett, J. Bulava, J. Fallica et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2018-01
Jahr 2018
S. Ulmer, K. Blaum, H. Kracke, et al.Direct measurement of the free cyclotron frequency of a single particle in a Penning trap 2011 HIM-2011-04

Direct measurement of the free cyclotron frequency of a single particle in a Penning trap

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Ulmer, K. Blaum, H. Kracke, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-04
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
Matthias StappelEine vakuumultraviolette Laserquelle zur Rydberganregung von Calciumionen 2016

Eine vakuumultraviolette Laserquelle zur Rydberganregung von Calciumionen

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion MAM
Autor/en Matthias Stappel
Jahr 2016
Michel AmbergEntwicklung eines schnellen, piezobasierten Frequenztuners fu?r supraleitende CH-Kavita?ten 2015

Entwicklung eines schnellen, piezobasierten Frequenztuners fu?r supraleitende CH-Kavita?ten

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion ACID
Autor/en Michel Amberg
Jahr 2015
Jörg KöhlerEntwicklung und Implementierung des Steuerungs- und Überwachungssystems eines elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters 2016

Entwicklung und Implementierung des Steuerungs- und Überwachungssystems eines elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters

Publikationsart Diplom
Sektion EMP
Autor/en Jörg Köhler
Jahr 2016
S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, G. von Hippel, et al.Excited state systematics in extracting nucleon electromagnetic form factors HIM-2012-05

Excited state systematics in extracting nucleon electromagnetic form factors

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, G. von Hippel, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-05
Alexander BleileExperimentelle Untersuchungen thermischer Eigenschaften schnell gepulster supraleitender Beschleunigermagnete 2016

Experimentelle Untersuchungen thermischer Eigenschaften schnell gepulster supraleitender Beschleunigermagnete

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion ACID
Autor/en Alexander Bleile
Jahr 2016
N. KivelFactorizing the hard and soft spectator scattering contributions for the nucleon form factor F_1 at large Q^2 HIM-2012-01

Factorizing the hard and soft spectator scattering contributions for the nucleon form factor F_1 at large Q^2

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en N. Kivel
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-01
Matteo Cardinali,Fast frontend electronics for high rate particle detectors 2015

Fast frontend electronics for high rate particle detectors

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion SPECF
Autor/en Matteo Cardinali,
Jahr 2015
Maria Carmen Mora EspiFeasibility studies for accessing nucleon structure observables with the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility 2012

Feasibility studies for accessing nucleon structure observables with the PANDA experiment at the future FAIR facility

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Maria Carmen Mora Espi
Jahr 2012
Julia Guttmann, Nikolai Kivel, Mehdi Meziane, et al.First empirical determination of two-photon exchange amplitudes from elastic electron-proton scattering data HIM-2010-05

First empirical determination of two-photon exchange amplitudes from elastic electron-proton scattering data

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en Julia Guttmann, Nikolai Kivel, Mehdi Meziane, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2010-05
M. Della Morte, G. Herdoiza, H. Horch, et al.Fitting the Lattice Vacuum Polarisation Function to Perturbation Theory HIM-2013-07

Fitting the Lattice Vacuum Polarisation Function to Perturbation Theory

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en M. Della Morte, G. Herdoiza, H. Horch, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-07
B.B. Brandt, S. Capitani S., M. Della Morte, M., et al.Form factors in lattice QCD HIM-2011-02

Form factors in lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en B.B. Brandt, S. Capitani S., M. Della Morte, M., et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-02
M. Della Morte, L. GustiGlueball masses from ratios of path integrals HIM-2011-09

Glueball masses from ratios of path integrals

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, L. Gusti
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-09
Benjamin JägerHadronic Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD 2013

Hadronic Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion THFL
Autor/en Benjamin Jäger
Jahr 2013
N. KivelHard exclusive production of two pions in gamma-gamma collisions within the SCET factorization approach HIM-2013-01

Hard exclusive production of two pions in gamma-gamma collisions within the SCET factorization approach

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en N. Kivel
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-01
D. MohlerHeavy-hadron interactions from Lattice QCD HIM-2017-09

Heavy-hadron interactions from Lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en D. Mohler
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-09
M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, T. Raie, H. Wittig,Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-zero momentum HIM-2012-07

Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-zero momentum

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, T. Raie, H. Wittig,
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-07
M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, T. Rae, et al.Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-zero momentum HIM-2012-06

Improved interpolating fields for hadrons at non-zero momentum

Autor/en M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, T. Rae, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-06
C. Droese, M. Block, M. Dworschak, et al.Investigation of the magnetic field fluctuation and implementation of a temperature and pressure stabilization at SHIPTRAP 2011 HIM-2011-08

Investigation of the magnetic field fluctuation and implementation of a temperature and pressure stabilization at SHIPTRAP

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en C. Droese, M. Block, M. Dworschak, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-08
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
Simon FriederichKollektoreffizienzmessung an einem linearen Elektronenstrahlführungsaufbau mit Hilfe eines Wien-Filters 2013

Kollektoreffizienzmessung an einem linearen Elektronenstrahlführungsaufbau mit Hilfe eines Wien-Filters

Publikationsart Master
Sektion ACID
Autor/en Simon Friederich
Jahr 2013
M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, A. Jüttner, et al.Lattice calculations of the leading hadronic contribution to g-2 HIM-2012-04

Lattice calculations of the leading hadronic contribution to g-2

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, A. Jüttner, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-04
M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, Andreas Jüttner et al.Lattice Determination of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon HIM-2011-11

Lattice Determination of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, Andreas Jüttner et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-11
A. Francis, J.R. Green, P.M. Junnarkar et al.Lattice QCD study of the H dibaryon using hexaquark and two-baryon interpolator HIM-2018-02

Lattice QCD study of the H dibaryon using hexaquark and two-baryon interpolator

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en A. Francis, J.R. Green, P.M. Junnarkar et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2018-02
M. Cè, L. Giusti, S. SchaeferLocal multiboson factorization of the quark determinant 2017 HIM-2017-06

Local multiboson factorization of the quark determinant

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en M. Cè, L. Giusti, S. Schaefer
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-06
Jahr 2017
H. WittigLow-energy particle physics and chiral extrapolations HIM-2011-12

Low-energy particle physics and chiral extrapolations

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-12
Dexu LinMeasurement of proton electromagnetic form factors using the initial-state-radiation process e+e- ppgamma at BESIII 2017

Measurement of proton electromagnetic form factors using the initial-state-radiation process e+e- ppgamma at BESIII

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion EMP
Autor/en Dexu Lin
Jahr 2017
L. Giusti, M. Cè, S. SchaeferMulti-boson block factorization of fermions 2017 HIM-2017-07

Multi-boson block factorization of fermions

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en L. Giusti, M. Cè, S. Schaefer
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-07
Jahr 2017
T. Harris, H. B. MeyerNon-perturbative improvement of the vector current in Wilson lattice QCD 2015 HIM-2015-02

Non-perturbative improvement of the vector current in Wilson lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en T. Harris, H. B. Meyer
HIM-Nr. HIM-2015-02
Jahr 2015
H. Wittig, S. Capitani, M. Della Morte et al.Nucleon electromagnetic form factors in two-flavour QCD 2015 HIM-2015-01

Nucleon electromagnetic form factors in two-flavour QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en H. Wittig, S. Capitani, M. Della Morte et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2015-01
Jahr 2015
G. von Hippel, T. D. Rae, E. Shintani, H. WittigNucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD with all-mode-averaging and a domain-decomposed solver: an exploratory study HIM-2016-01

Nucleon matrix elements from lattice QCD with all-mode-averaging and a domain-decomposed solver: an exploratory study

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en G. von Hippel, T. D. Rae, E. Shintani, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2016-01
S. Ulmer, C.C. Rodegheri, K. Blaum, et al.Observation of spin flips with a single trapped proton 2011 HIM-2011-05

Observation of spin flips with a single trapped proton

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Ulmer, C.C. Rodegheri, K. Blaum, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-05
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
E. Endress, A. Jüttner, H. WittigOn the efficiency of stochastic volume sources for the determination of light meson masses HIM-2011-10

On the efficiency of stochastic volume sources for the determination of light meson masses

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en E. Endress, A. Jüttner, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-10
Sahra Alrune WolffOptimierung und Vorkalibrierung des PANDA-Rückwärtskalorimeter-Prototyps für eine Teststrahlzeit am Mainzer Mikrotron 2016

Optimierung und Vorkalibrierung des PANDA-Rückwärtskalorimeter-Prototyps für eine Teststrahlzeit am Mainzer Mikrotron

Publikationsart Bachelor
Sektion EMP
Autor/en Sahra Alrune Wolff
Jahr 2016
Stefan PflügerPrecise Determination of the Luminosity with the PA N D A - L U M I N O S I T Y D E T E C T O R 2017

Precise Determination of the Luminosity with the PA N D A - L U M I N O S I T Y D E T E C T O R

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Stefan Pflüger
Jahr 2017
Andreas MüllersProduction of Antihydrogen via Double Charge Exchange 2013

Production of Antihydrogen via Double Charge Exchange

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion MAM
Autor/en Andreas Müllers
Jahr 2013
A. Sanchez, A. S. Botvina, J. PochodzallaProduction of excited double hypernuclei via Fermi breakup of excited strange systems 2011 HIM-2011-13

Production of excited double hypernuclei via Fermi breakup of excited strange systems

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en A. Sanchez, A. S. Botvina, J. Pochodzalla
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-13
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
A. S. Botvina, K. K. Gudima, J. Steinheimer et al.Production of hypernuclei in peripherical collisions of relativistic ions 2012 HIM-2011-14

Production of hypernuclei in peripherical collisions of relativistic ions

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en A. S. Botvina, K. K. Gudima, J. Steinheimer et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-14
Band: 2012
Reference: 2012
Jahr 2012
S. Eliseev, D. Nesterenko, K. Blaum, et al.Q values for neutrinoless double?electron capture in 96Ru, 162Er, and 168Yb 2011 HIM-2011-06

Q values for neutrinoless double?electron capture in 96Ru, 162Er, and 168Yb

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Eliseev, D. Nesterenko, K. Blaum, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-06
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
M. Della Morte, A. JüttnerQuark disconnected diagrams in chiral perturbation theory HIM-2010-01

Quark disconnected diagrams in chiral perturbation theory

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en M. Della Morte, A. Jüttner
HIM-Nr. HIM-2010-01
D. MohlerRecent results on the meson and baryon spectrum from lattice QCD HIM-2016-04

Recent results on the meson and baryon spectrum from lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en D. Mohler
HIM-Nr. HIM-2016-04
Raul A. Briceno, Maxwell T. Hansen, Stephen R. SharpeRelating the finite-volume spectrum and the two-and-three-particle S-matrix for relativistic systems of identical scalar particles 2017 HIM-2017-01

Relating the finite-volume spectrum and the two-and-three-particle S-matrix for relativistic systems of identical scalar particles

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en Raul A. Briceno, Maxwell T. Hansen, Stephen R. Sharpe
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-01
Jahr 2017
Eliseev, C. Roux, K. Blaum, et al.Resonant enhancement of neutrinoless double?electron capture in 152Gd 2011 HIM-2011-07

Resonant enhancement of neutrinoless double?electron capture in 152Gd

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en Eliseev, C. Roux, K. Blaum, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-07
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, D. Be?irevi? et al.Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics HIM-2016-02

Review of lattice results concerning low-energy particle physics

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, D. Be?irevi? et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2016-02
Schmidt-Kaler, T. Feldker, D. Kolbe, et al.Rydberg excitation of trapped cold ions: a detailed case study 2011 HIM-2011-03

Rydberg excitation of trapped cold ions: a detailed case study

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en Schmidt-Kaler, T. Feldker, D. Kolbe, et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-03
Band: 2011
Reference: 2011
Jahr 2011
M. Bruno, D. Djukanovic, G. P. Engel et al.Simulation of QCD with $N_f=2+1$ flavors of non-prerturbatively improved Wilson fermions 2015 HIM-2014-01

Simulation of QCD with $N_f=2+1$ flavors of non-prerturbatively improved Wilson fermions

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en M. Bruno, D. Djukanovic, G. P. Engel et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2014-01
Jahr 2015
Tobias WeisrockSingle meson production in proton diffraction at 190 GeV/c at COMPASS 2015

Single meson production in proton diffraction at 190 GeV/c at COMPASS

Publikationsart Promotion
Sektion EMP
Autor/en Tobias Weisrock
Jahr 2015
N. Kivel, M. VanderhaeghenSoft spectator scattering in the nucleon from factors at large Q^2 within the SCET approach HIM-2010-06

Soft spectator scattering in the nucleon from factors at large Q^2 within the SCET approach

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en N. Kivel, M. Vanderhaeghen
HIM-Nr. HIM-2010-06
J. Guttmann, N. Kivel and M. VanderhaeghenStudy of two-photon corrections in the p/bar p rightarrow e^+e^- process: hard rescattering mechanism HIM-2011-01

Study of two-photon corrections in the p/bar p rightarrow e^+e^- process: hard rescattering mechanism

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en J. Guttmann, N. Kivel and M. Vanderhaeghen
HIM-Nr. HIM-2011-01
M. Della Morte, A. Francis, V. Gülpers et al.The hadronic vacumm polarization contribution to the muon g-2 from lattice QCD 2017 HIM-2017-02

The hadronic vacumm polarization contribution to the muon g-2 from lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en M. Della Morte, A. Francis, V. Gülpers et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-02
Jahr 2017
B. B. Brandt, A. Jüttner, H. WittigThe pion vector form factor from lattice QCD and NNLO chiral perturbation theory HIM-2013-03

The pion vector form factor from lattice QCD and NNLO chiral perturbation theory

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en B. B. Brandt, A. Jüttner, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-03
V. Gülpers, G. M. von Hippel, H. WittigThe scalar pion form factor in two-flavour lattice QCD HIM-2013-04

The scalar pion form factor in two-flavour lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en V. Gülpers, G. M. von Hippel, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-04
G. M. von Hippel, B. Jäger, T. Rae, H. WittigThe shape of covariantly smeared sources in Lattice QCD HIM-2013-02

The shape of covariantly smeared sources in Lattice QCD

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en G. M. von Hippel, B. Jäger, T. Rae, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2013-02
S. Berge S. Westhoff,Top-Quark Charge Assymetry with a Jet Handle HIM-2012-03

Top-Quark Charge Assymetry with a Jet Handle

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Berge S. Westhoff,
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-03
S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, H. Wittig et al.Towards a benchmark calculation of the nucleon axial charge HIM-2012-02

Towards a benchmark calculation of the nucleon axial charge

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, H. Wittig et al.
HIM-Nr. HIM-2012-02
F. ErbenTowards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS 2-flavour ensembles 2016 HIM-2016-03

Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS 2-flavour ensembles

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en F. Erben
HIM-Nr. HIM-2016-03
Jahr 2016
F. Erben, J. Green, D. Mohler, H. WittigTowards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS two-flavour ensembles 2017 HIM-2017-04

Towards extracting the timelike pion form factor on CLS two-flavour ensembles

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en F. Erben, J. Green, D. Mohler, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-04
Jahr 2017
A. Risch, H. WittigTowards leading isospin breaking effects in mesonic masses with $O(a)$ improved Wilson fermions 2017 HIM-2017-05

Towards leading isospin breaking effects in mesonic masses with $O(a)$ improved Wilson fermions

Publikationsart Preprint
Sektion THFL
Autor/en A. Risch, H. Wittig
HIM-Nr. HIM-2017-05
Jahr 2017
Timo StenglerUntergrundreduktion der Thomson-Strahldetektionsanlage des HIMs 2014

Untergrundreduktion der Thomson-Strahldetektionsanlage des HIMs

Publikationsart Master
Sektion ACID
Autor/en Timo Stengler
Jahr 2014
Steven NothhelferEntwicklung für hochauflösende Laserspektroskopie an Actinider 2019

Entwicklung für hochauflösende Laserspektroskopie an Actinider

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en Steven Nothhelfer
Jahr 2019
Tobias WeilbachMinimal-invasive Strahldiagnose für hochintensive Elektronenstrahlen 2019

Minimal-invasive Strahldiagnose für hochintensive Elektronenstrahlen

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Tobias Weilbach
Reference: 2019
Jahr 2019
Alina HeihoffAbscheidung von Thoriumchlorid auf Glaskohlenstoff und Lithiumtantalat mittels Drop-on-Demand-Technologie 2019

Abscheidung von Thoriumchlorid auf Glaskohlenstoff und Lithiumtantalat mittels Drop-on-Demand-Technologie

Publikationsart Bachelor
Autor/en Alina Heihoff
Reference: 2019
Jahr 2019
Michelle HufnagelHerstellung von Monolagen-Rückstoßquellen durch Selbstadsorption von 233-U an Titanoxid-Oberflächen 2019

Herstellung von Monolagen-Rückstoßquellen durch Selbstadsorption von 233-U an Titanoxid-Oberflächen

Publikationsart Bachelor
Autor/en Michelle Hufnagel
Reference: 2019
Jahr 2019
Alexander WilzewskiZero-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance J-Spectrocopy 2017

Zero-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance J-Spectrocopy

Publikationsart Bachelor
Autor/en Alexander Wilzewski
Reference: 2017
Jahr 2017
HIMNeue Eichbosonen und wie man sie findet 2019

Neue Eichbosonen und wie man sie findet

Publikationsart Master
Autor/en HIM
Jahr 2019
Christopher SirleafPräparation von U-233 Targets für Protonen-induzierte Kernreaktionen mit Hilfe eines Drop-on-Demand-Drucksystems 2019

Präparation von U-233 Targets für Protonen-induzierte Kernreaktionen mit Hilfe eines Drop-on-Demand-Drucksystems

Publikationsart Bachelor
Autor/en Christopher Sirleaf
Reference: 2019
Jahr 2019
Felipe Pederos BustosMesospheric Magnetometry and Optimization of Laser Guide 2019

Mesospheric Magnetometry and Optimization of Laser Guide

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Felipe Pederos Bustos
Reference: 2019
Jahr 2019
Sven BöhlandEntwicklung eines Quarzresonators für die Fourier-Transform-Ionenzyklotronresonanz-Massenspektrometrie 2019

Entwicklung eines Quarzresonators für die Fourier-Transform-Ionenzyklotronresonanz-Massenspektrometrie

Publikationsart Master
Autor/en Sven Böhland
Jahr 2019
Marina Gil SendraCharacterization and preparation of hyperpolarized xenon for the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment 2017

Characterization and preparation of hyperpolarized xenon for the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment

Publikationsart Master
Autor/en Marina Gil Sendra
Reference: 2017
Jahr 2017
Marcell SteinenFeasibility studies for the high precision X-ray spectroscopy of heavy Ξ− hyperatoms at PANDA using the PANda GErmanium Array PANGEA 2020

Feasibility studies for the high precision X-ray spectroscopy of heavy Ξ− hyperatoms at PANDA using the PANda GErmanium Array PANGEA

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Marcell Steinen
Jahr 2020
Hans Heinrich LeithoffEin Kühlsystem für den P̄ANDA Luminositätsdetektor und Suche nach dem Zerfall e + e − −→ γηχ c0 bei der Schwerpunktsenergie von 4.26 GeV an BESIII 2020

Ein Kühlsystem für den P̄ANDA Luminositätsdetektor und Suche nach dem Zerfall e + e − −→ γηχ c0 bei der Schwerpunktsenergie von 4.26 GeV an BESIII

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Hans Heinrich Leithoff
Jahr 2020
Patric KieseSuche nach einem geladenen Charmonium-artigen Zustand in e+epi+pi-chi_cJ zwischen 4.18 GeV und 4.60 GeV bei BESIII 2021

Suche nach einem geladenen Charmonium-artigen Zustand in e+epi+pi-chi_cJ zwischen 4.18 GeV und 4.60 GeV bei BESIII

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Patric Kiese
Jahr 2021
Huijie ZhengNovel magnetic-sensing modalities with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond 2020

Novel magnetic-sensing modalities with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Huijie Zheng
Jahr 2020
Raphael HaasTailor-made thin radionuclide layers for targets and recoil ion sources in nuclear applications 2020

Tailor-made thin radionuclide layers for targets and recoil ion sources in nuclear applications

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Raphael Haas
Reference: 2020
Jahr 2020
Stengler, TimoEntwicklung eines supraleitendenBeschleunigermoduls für denrezirkulierenden Betrieb am MainzEnergy-Recovering SuperconductingAccelerator (MESA) 2020

Entwicklung eines supraleitendenBeschleunigermoduls für denrezirkulierenden Betrieb am MainzEnergy-Recovering SuperconductingAccelerator (MESA)

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Stengler, Timo
Reference: 2020
Jahr 2020
Noll, OliverDigital Signal Processing for the Measurement of Particle Properties with the PPANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter 2020

Digital Signal Processing for the Measurement of Particle Properties with the PPANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter

Publikationsart Preprint
Autor/en Noll, Oliver
Reference: 2020
Jahr 2020
Kaleja, OliverHigh-precision mass spectrometry of nobelium, lawrencium and rutherfordium isotopes and studies of long-lived isomers with SHIPTRAP 2020

High-precision mass spectrometry of nobelium, lawrencium and rutherfordium isotopes and studies of long-lived isomers with SHIPTRAP

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Kaleja, Oliver
Reference: 2020
Jahr 2020
Ahmed, Samer NasherMeasurement of the Cross Section of the Process e +e − → nn and the Extraction of the ̄ Time-Like Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Neutron at the Beijing Spectrometer III 2020

Measurement of the Cross Section of the Process e +e − → nn and the Extraction of the ̄ Time-Like Electromagnetic Form Factors of the Neutron at the Beijing Spectrometer III

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Ahmed, Samer Nasher
Reference: 2020
Jahr 2020
Larin, PaulExtraktion des elektromagnetischen Formfaktors des Neutron aus Daten des BESIII-Experimentes 2020

Extraktion des elektromagnetischen Formfaktors des Neutron aus Daten des BESIII-Experimentes

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Larin, Paul
Jahr 2020
Stephan MaldanerDevelopment of an online track finding algorithm for the P¯ ANDA luminosity detector and search for the decay channel e+ e− → h c η π + π − at the center of mass energy of 4.6 GeV at BESIII 2021

Development of an online track finding algorithm for the P¯ ANDA luminosity detector and search for the decay channel e+ e− → h c η π + π − at the center of mass energy of 4.6 GeV at BESIII

Publikationsart Promotion
Autor/en Stephan Maldaner
Reference: 2021
Jahr 2021