
It is a central part of the future accelerator center FAIR, currently being built in international collaboration at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt, and at the same time the heart of one of the largest construction projects for research worldwide: the large underground FAIR ring accelerator SIS100 on the northern FAIR construction site with a…


Sabine Giebenhain new site coordinator


New Director and Vice Director elected


On Wednesday, May 19 the huge pressure tank for the HESR–cooler prototype arrived at HIM.


Magnetometry exploiting color center defects in diamond probes and magneto-optic imaging found to complement each other / Progress towards the creation of more effective data storage systems


We mourn Maximilian Rapps (1986 - 2021)

who passed away unexpectedly last week.
He designed, built, and commissioned a spin coater for the fabrication of thin films for nuclear chemical applications in the SHE-section of our Helmholtz-Institute as part of his master's thesis and fabricated and characterized first samples.
Max's cheerful nature,…


Like neutrons and protons, hyperons are composed of three quarks. However, besides the conventional light up and down quarks, hyperons contain also one or more strange quarks. While many stable nuclei made of neutrons and protons exist, nuclei which include hyperons, so called hypernuclei, are unstable and decay within less than a billionth of a…


Studie eines chinesisch-deutschen Forschungsteams berichtet über neuen Maser mit vielversprechenden Eigenschaften / Anwendung in der angewandten Wissenschaft und Grundlagenforschung


Center of the island of stability is not located at element 114 — Heavier elements will move into the spotlight
