
HIM-Visiting-Scientist-Program: VISIT-HIM

The Helmholtz-Institute Mainz pursues a global and unified approach to explore the structure, symmetry and stability of matter and antimatter.

In order to atttract international leading scientists and simplify the conditions of their research stay, HIM started in 2009 its own program for visisting scientists: VISIT-HIM

It supports advanced international researchers interested in performing joint research projects at HIM.

These scientists have been attracted and supported by the program so far.


Fast Facts of the program:

  • Future guest scientists are to be invited by a HIM scientists
  • the research stay ranges from 1-12 months
  • HIM-administration supports in visa issues, travel information and accomodation
  • the funding covers living expenses and accomodation costs.


Detailed information and application forms can be downloaded here: