
The Helmholtz Institute Mainz offers an excellent research infrastructure and a splendid network of cooperations.
Thus, young Academics at HIM can attend a huge variety of support and trainings.


Offers of HIM

Innovative Training Network LISA

ZULF European Training Network (ETN)



Offers of JGU Mainz

Portal for Young Researchers at JGU

Overview on all offers and formats


General PhD-Training Group

Workshops, Networking and Support for young researchers and PhD-candidates.

The Training Group also offers a complete program composed of four thematically structured units:

  • Unit A "Working Scientifically" 
  • Unit B "Management Skills"
  • Unit C "Career Planning and Career Entry"
  • Unit D "Counselling and Networking"


Career in Science? PostDoc-Program

The Center for Quality Assurance and Development offers a qualification program for young faculty members that aims to prepare the participants for the challenges of an academic career.
It contains:

  • university leadership
  • appointments and applications
  • research promotion
  • presentation skills

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Coaching Center for young female natural scientists

Discipline, career and personal  support and mentoring for young female natural scienstists.

The Coaching Center also offers a Certificate comprising 3 modules:

  • Soft Skills
  • Carrer planning & exam preparation
  • Teaching & leading skills

Further education for JGU-staff and externals

Free Workshops and seminars for JGU-staff and externals (low-cost) in the following topics:

  • Health management
  • Employment protection
  • Communication & Team work
  • Computing & Programs
  • Management of studies
  • Leadership
  • Science & Research


Leadership-Program: for junior managers, managers & accountables for staff:
workshop series including a leadership certificate in 3 modules:

  • Me and leadership
  • Difficulties in leadership
  • Management of teams


Offers of GSI

Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research

The Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research "HGS-HIRe for FAIR" is a joint endeavor of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, the universities at Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Giessen, Heidelberg and Mainz together with FIAS to promote and support structured PhD education for research associated with GSI and FAIR.



Offers of the Helmholtz Association



Helmholtz offers Management programs with a focus on staff management and leadership:

  • Program "Start leading"
  • Program "Taking the lead"
  • Program "Leading your group"
  • Program "Strategic leadership"
  • Program "Managing complexity"

Fees have to be covered by the participants or the respective group leader.


Helmholtz Mentoring Programme Helmholtz Advance – A Year for Your Career

The 1-year mentoring program aims at preparing highly motivated young people working in science and administration for executive-level positions requiring management and leadership skills and helping them forge a strong network of contacts within the Helmholtz Association and beyond!


Offers of the Department of Physics and PRISMA


Coaching for young female scientists in and around PRISMA

The Irène Joliot-Curie programme is offering individual coaching sessions for young researchers (doctoral and post-doctoral) in and around PRISMA. The goal is to support young female scientific academics in their current career situation, to give guidance regarding important professional decisions and to provide a tail wind for their career path.


Physics Colloquium

High-class speeches by international Physicists throughout the semester


PRISMA Colloquium and Seminar of the Graduate School

Workshops & Talks by renowned Physicists throughout the semester



Workshops & Talks by renowned Physicists throughout the semester