TRIGA Research Reactor, Photo: Nuclear Chemistry JGU Mainz
Linear Accelerator UNILAC, Photo: A. Zschau, GSI Centre for Heavy Ion Research
Scientists at HIM can profit from the excellent research infrastructure, both at the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz as well as of the Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research (GSI), Darmstadt.
- High Performance Computing Cluster
- Assembly Unit for High Purity Superconducting Accelerator Cavities
JGU Mainz:
- Mainz Microtron Facility MAMI
- electron accelerator -
- Mainz-Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator MESA (under construction)
- Research Reactor at Mainz TRIGA
- source of neutrons -
Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion research (GSI), Darmstadt:
- GSI operates one of the most powerful accelerators facilities of the world. It is the only facility that allows the acceleration of ions – ions are charged atoms – of all chemical elements occurring on Earth.
Six main devices are indispensable to provide the experiments at GSI with heavy ions: