
The first cryostat for the superconducting cw-linear accelerator HELIAC (HElmholtz LInear ACcelerator) has been recently delivered to the HIM lab.


All cryogenic components, as RF-cavities and other optical elements, will be assembled to a so called accelerating (cold) string in the HIM clean room and later on integrated into the cryostat. The…

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Simon Lauber and Julian List, both PhD students in the ACID1 section at the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM), have been awarded a "Giersch Excellence Grant" for outstanding scientific work in the thesis project in the past year. The grant includes a funding sum of 2.500 € each.



The topic of Simon Lauber's PhD thesis is “Advanced numerical and…

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An international team of researchers with key participation from the PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and the Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM) has published for the first time comprehensive data on the search for dark matter using a worldwide network of optical magnetometers. According to the scientists,…

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The “Erwin Schrödinger Prize 2021 — The Stifterverband Science Award” of the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers goes to an international team at the Helmholtz Institute Mainz HIM, a cooperation of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: With the cost-effective and…

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Dr. Oliver Noll has received the PANDA PhD Prize 2021

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Internationales Forschungsteam mit Mainzer und Darmstädter Beteiligung misst Formfaktoren des Neutrons mit bisher unerreichter Präzision

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System consisting of two Penning traps connected to an electrical resonant circuit transmits the cooling power of laser-cooled ions

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We composed a short overview of HIM's activities over the past 1.5 years.


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„Mesospheric magnetometry and optimization of laser guide stars“ - Brighter stars for a brighter future of astrophysics

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The „Advanced Demonstrator“ is the first cryogenic accelerator module of the future cw linac HELIAC (HElmholtz LInear ACcelerator).

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