Link to Talks at PANDA Collaboration Meetings (login required)


Talks at Conferences and Workshops


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaStrange nuclear systems at PANDAHadron in Nuleus 2020 (HIN2020)TalkOnline
F. SchuppAntihyperons in nuclear matter at PANDA Phase OneSMuk 2021TalkOnline
M. SteinenHeavy Ξ– hyperatoms at PANDAPANIC 2021TalkOnline


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.PANGEA — The PANda GErmanium ArrayReimei Seminar on Systems with two strange quarks at FAIR and J-PARCTalkOnline
M. SteinenHigh precision X-ray spectroscopy of Ξ hyperatoms at PANDAPhD DefenseTalkOnline 


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
P. Achenbach et al.Strangeness Nuclear Physics at PANDAXVIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (HADRON 2019)PosterGuilin, China
M. Steinen et al.The strangeness S = –2 nuclear physics setup at PANDA: Status and prospectsDPG Spring Meeting 2019: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkMunich
M. Steinen et al.Heavy Ξ hyperatoms at PANDAECT* Workshop on Recent Progress and Perspectives in Strange Exotic Atoms Studies and Related Topics (STRANEX)TalkTrento, Italy
M. Steinen et al.

Heavy Ξ hyperatoms at PANDA

Theia-Strong2020 Workshop 2019TalkSpeyer
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei & Hyperatoms9th Quantum Universe SymposiumTalkGroningen, The Netherlands
J. PochodzallaHyperatoms at PANDAECT* Workshop on Antiproton-Nucleus Interactions and Related PhenomenaTalkTrento, Italy
J. PochodzallaAntihyperons in nuclei at PANDA3rd EMMI Workshop: Anti-matter, hyper-matter and exotica production at the LHCTalkWrocław, Poland
F. SchuppHas the neutral double hypernucleus ΛΛ4n been observed?International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2019)TalkGlasgow, Scotland


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaOpen problems in hypernuclear physicsENSAR2 - NUSPRASEN Workshop: Nuclear Reactions (Theory and Experiment)TalkWarsaw, Poland
J. PochodzallaGamma spectroscopy of S = –2 nuclei at PANDADEGAS WorkshopTalkDarmstadt 
J. PochodzallaIntroduction on neutral baryonic systems

13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2018)

TalkPortsmouth, Virginia
J. PochodzallaStrangeness nuclear physics at PANDAInternational Workshop on the Project for the Extended Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARCTalkTōkai, Japan
M. BöltingStatus of the Hypernuclei and Hyperatom setup at PANDA13th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2018)PosterPortsmouth, Virginia
B. Sauer et al.Kohlenstofffasern als Primärtarget bei PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2018: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkBochum


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
F. Schupp et al.Das primäre Target des PANDA Hyperkern-ExperimentsDPG Spring Meeting 2017: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkMünster
M. Steinen et al.The strangeness nuclear physics program at PANDABegutachtung Projektorientierte Förderung 2017TalkMainz 
M. SteinenHypernuclear physicsSPECF PhD Seminar (internal)TalkMainz 
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei in heavy ion collisions: observation – opportunities – outlookResearch Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Study of High-density Nuclear Matter with Hadron BeamsTalkRehovot, Israel
J. PochodzallaStrangeness nuclear physics with PANDA2ndEMMI Workshop Anti-matter, hyper-matter and exotica production at the LHCTalkTurin, Italy
J. PochodzallaOverview of / motivation for hypernuclear physicsWASA at GSI/FAIR WorkshopTalkDarmstadt
M. BöltingThe PANDA hypernuclei experimentStrangeness Nuclear Physics School (SNP2017)TalkTōkai, Japan
M. BöltingControl logic, secondary target and the germanium array of the PANDA hypernuclei experimentStrangeness Nuclear Physics School (SNP2017)PosterTōkai, Japan
F. SchuppThe primary target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDA@FAIRStrangeness Nuclear Physics School (SNP2017)PosterTōkai, Japan


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.Strangeness nuclear physics at PANDAHIM-EröffnungPosterMainz
J. PochodzallaPhysics of strange systems with electrons @ MAMI and antiprotons @ PANDAWorkshop on production and study of neutron-rich hypernuclei — Physics and Potentialities at FAIR/R3BTalkParis, France
J. PochodzallaIt's a strange world when QCD meets gravityInternational Workshop on Physics at the Extended Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARCTalkTōkai, Japan
P. AchenbachSolving puzzles in hypernuclear physics at MAMI and PANDAReimei Workshop on New Exotic Hadron Matter at J-PARCTalkIncheon, South Korea
M. Martínez Rojo et al.The primary target for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2016: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionPosterDarmstadt


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.Simulation studies of the hypernuclear experiment at PANDA to optimize the production and detection rates of ΛΛ hypernucleiDPG Spring Meeting 2015: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkHeidelberg
M. Steinen et al.Studies of multi strange systems at PANDABegutachtung Projektorientierte Förderung 2015PosterMainz 
J. PochodzallaPhysics of multistrange systems with antiprotons12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2015)TalkSendai, Japan
J. PochodzallaPhysics of multistrange systems with antiprotons — from J-PARC to FAIR5th International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2015)TalkKemer, Turkey


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2014: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkFrankfurt
M. Steinen et al.A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDA26th Indian-Summer School & SPHERE School on Low Energy Hadron PhysicsTalkPrague, Czech Republic
J. PochodzallaStrangeness and anti-strangeness in nuclei: unique opportunities at FAIRHypernuclear WorkshopTalkNewport News, Virginia
J. PochodzallaStrange baryons and antibaryons in nuclei: unique opportunities for PANDA@FAIR2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARCTalkTsukuba, Japan
J. PochodzallaAntiproton beams: a unique tool to study antihyperons embedded in nucleiStrangeness Nuclear PhysicsTalkChangsha, China
J. Pochodzalla et al.Strange baryons and antibaryons in nuclei: unique opportunities for PANDA@FAIRInternational Conference on Science and Technology for FAIR in EuropeTalkWorms
S. Bleser et al.Optimization of the target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2014: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkFrankfurt
S. Bleser et al.The target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDA26th Indian-Summer School & SPHERE School on Low Energy Hadron PhysicsTalkPrague, Czech Republic


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2013: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionPosterDresden
M. Steinen et al.A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDAFourth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2013)PosterKemer, Turkey
J. Pochodzalla et al.Physics Opportunities with Antihyperons at PANDAFourth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2013)TalkKemer, Turkey
J. Pochodzalla et al.Physics Opportunities with Antihyperons at PANDAStrangeness in the Universe? Theoretical and Experimental Progress and ChallengesTalkTrento, Italy
S. Bleser et al.Optimization of the target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2013: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionPosterDresden
S. Bleser et al.Optimization of the target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDAFourth International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2013)PosterKemer, Turkey


Author(s)TitleConference/WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.Entwicklung des experimentellen Aufbaus zur Spektroskopie von Doppel-Λ-Hyperkernen am PANDA-ExperimentDPG Spring Meeting 2012: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionPosterMainz
M. Steinen et al.A high resolution germanium detector array for hypernuclear studies at PANDAXI International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2012)PosterBarcelona, Spain
M. Steinen et al.The germanium detector array for PANDAFirst International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP2012)PosterSendai, Japan
M. Steinen et al.Double-Λ-hypernuclei at PANDAHIM Day 2012PosterMainz 
J. PochodzallaMAMI-C and PANDA for hadron and strangeness nuclear physicsFirst International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics (SNP2012)TalkSendai, Japan
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei: Bridging the gap between quarks and starsVIII Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and AstrophysicsTalkLenzkirch-Saig
J. PochodzallaProspects for hypernuclear physics at Mainz: from KAOS@MAMI to PANDA@FAIRXI International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2012)TalkBarcelona, Spain
J. PochodzallaHigh precision mass measurements of hypernuclei – motivation, achievements and perspectives at MAMINew trends in the low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector: experimental and theoretical aspectsTalkTrento, Italy
S. Bleser et al.The secondary target for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDAFirst International School for Strangeness Nuclear PhysicsTalkSendai, Japan
S. Bleser et al.Optimization of the target system for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDAXI International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle PhysicsPosterBarcelona, Spain
P. AchenbachHypernuclear research at MAMI, GSI and FAIRVIII Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (TOURS2012)TalkLenzkirch-Saig


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
M. Steinen et al.Optimierung des experimentellen Aufbaus zur Spektroskopie von Doppelhyperkernen am PANDA ExperimentDPG Spring Meeting 2011: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionPosterMünster
M. Steinen et al.The Germanium detector array for PANDAThird International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2011)PosterKemer, Turkey
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei – Why, why now, why now in Mainz?Third International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2011)TalkKemer, Turkey
S. Bleser et al.The secondary target for the hypernuclear experiment at PANDAThird International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2011)PosterKemer, Turkey
P. AchenbachChallenges in hypernuclear physics of the 21st century31st Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Section of the Swedish Physical SocietyTalkLund, Sweden 
P. AchenbachHypernuclear physics at PANDAInternational Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics (EXA2011)TalkVienna, Austria


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaStudies of hyperons and antihyperons in nucleiXLVIII Internatinal Winter Meeting on Nuclear PhysicsTalkBormio, Italy
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei – the next decadeZakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics: Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape, 45th Zakopane Schools of PhysicsTalkZakopane, Poland
J. PochodzallaDouble Hypernuclei – an experimental challengeXXIInd Indian-Summer School and SPHERE School on Strangeness Nuclear PhysicsTalkPrague, Czech Republic
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei – recent experimental observations and future opportunitiesStrangeness in NucleiTalkTrento, Italy
S. Bleser et al.Eigenschaften von Silizium-Streifendetektoren in direktem Kontakt mit Absorbermaterial für das sekundäre Target bei PANDADPG Spring Meeting 2010: Hadronic and Nuclear Physics DivisionTalkBonn
S. Bleser et al.Performance of silicon strip detectors in direct contact with absorbers for the secondary target at PANDAJoint SPHERE and JSPS MeetingTalkPrague, Czech Republic


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. Pochodzalla et al.Exploring the potential of antibaryons in nuclei with antiprotonsInternational Workshop on Physics and Upgrade of the J-PARC Hadron FacilityTalkTōkai, Japan
J. PochodzallaRoadmap for hypernuclear physics2nd International Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation (NUFRA2009)TalkKemer, Turkey
P. AchenbachA roadmap to hypernuclear physics at MAMI and PANDAInternational Conference on MAMI and BeyondTalkMainz


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. Pochodzalla et al.Exploring the potential of antibaryons in nuclei with antiprotonsIXth International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP2008)TalkVienna, Austria
J. Pochodzalla et al.Exploring the potential of antibaryons in nuclei with antiprotonsInternational Symposium on Strangeness in Nuclear and Hadronic Systems (SENDAI08)TalkSendai, Japan
P. AchenbachForming the hypernuclear landscape with MAMI and PANDAInternational Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics 2008 (ISHIP08)TalkDarmstadt 
P. AchenbachPhysics of hypernuclei as seen by an experimenterMini-Workshop on Few-Quark States and the ContinuumTalkBled, Slovenia 
P. AchenbachFuture use of silicon photomultipliers for Kaos at MAMI and PANDA at FAIR5th International Conference on New Developments In Photodetection (NDIP08)PosterAix-les-Bains, France
P. Achenbach

Detector developments for the hypernuclear programme at P̄ANDA

IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS08)TalkDresden 


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaStrange nuclei at FAIRAnnual NuSTAR Meeting NuSTAR07TalkDarmstadt
J. Pochodzalla et al.Hypernuclei in multifragmentation of spectator matterInternational Conference on Nuclear Fragmentation from Basic Research to Applications (NUFRA2007)TalkKemer, Turkey
J. PochodzallaSPHERE Network ActivityHADRONPHYSICS2 MeetingTalkFrascati, Italy


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaHadrons – Bridge between quarks and starsJoint Symposium on Hadron PhysicsTalkDarmstadt 
J. PochodzallaStrange Hadrons – Bridge between quarks and starsInternational Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics (ISHIP 2006)TalkFrankfurt
J. PochodzallaHypernuclear experiments at PANDAInternational Workshop on Observables in pp-interactions and their relevance to QCDTalkTrento, Italy 
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei at MAMI-C and PANDASFAIR möteTalkLund, Sweden 
P. AchenbachProbing hypernuclei at PANDA and at MAMI-CIX. International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP06)TalkMainz 
P. AchenbachNew detectors for the kaon and hypernuclear experiments with Kaos at MAMI and with PANDA at GSIIX. International Symposium on the Development of Detectors for Particle, Astroparticle and Synchrotron Radiation Experiments (SNIC2006)PosterStanford, California 


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaHow to approach the potential of antibaryons in nuclei at PANDAPANDA MeetingTalkDarmstadt 
J. PochodzallaTwo and more units of Strangeness in NucleiInternational Workshop on Hypernuclei with Heavy Ion Beams (HypHI 2005)TalkDarmstadt 
J. PochodzallaStrange baryons and antibaryons in cold nucleiWorkshop on Physics with AntiprotonsTalkDarmstadt 


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaDuets of strange quarks: double hypernucleiInternational School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLVIII: Hadron PhysicsTalkVarenna, Italy
J. PochodzallaDuets of strange quarks: pentaquarksInternational School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLVIII: Hadron PhysicsTalkVarenna, Italy


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaSpectroscopy of Hypernuclei – Why is it interesting?NUPECC town meetingTalkDarmstadt
J. PochodzallaFuture experiments on hypernuclei and hyperatomsInternational Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP2003)TalkYokohama, Japan
J. PochodzallaHypernuclei at MAMI-C and PANDAVIII International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP2003)TalkNewport News, Virginia


Author(s)TitleConference/WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaPhysics with strange hadrons at the storage ring for anti-protons TalkDarmstadt


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaThe next generation of hypernucleus and hyperatom experimentsGSI Workshop on its Future FacilityTalkDarmstadt


Author(s)TitleConference / WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. PochodzallaStrangeness: The 3rd dimension of the nuclear chartWorkshop on Future Perspectives of Physics with Cooled Antiproton BeamsTalkRauischholzhausen 
J. PochodzallaPerspectives for hypernuclear physics at the GSI Glue/CharmMemorial Symposium for Carl DoverTalkDarmstadt 


Author(s)TitleConference/WorkshopPoster / TalkPlaceLink
J. Pochodzalla et al.Spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernucleiWorkshop on Perspectives of Hadron PhysicsTalkDarmstadt